Friday 30 September 2011


 4 5 6 harini bakpe yang aku mimpi mu sgt ? sarah ngan naa kate kalu kite mimpi org tu , org tu rindu kite . haish . yeke ni ? kisah pulak aku =,="

mimpi aku ni macam bersambung-sambung tahu . petanda apekah iniii but i just wish you dont come back . hari ke-3 aku mimpi mu , mu add fb aku balik . hari ke-4 aku mimpi mu , mu call aku kejut aku dari mimpi tersebut walaupom mase tu nok masuk zohor doh . kihkihkih . urmm , last mu call aritu mase aku n kawan-kawan sibuk buat asgment CTU . kacau jiwe sekejap . huhh !

urm , tak dnafikan mu sikit lagi nok perfect . 90% kot . ehh , 80% ahh . ahh . takmboh aku puji mu lebih-lebih . we are over . aku cume suke mu boleh get along dengan family . tgk bola dgn aboh sesame . call my mama sebab nak wish my mama's birthday . aku tau pong sebab mama yang bgtau . pastu boleh makanla mu makan nasi ayam my mama's air tangan setiap kali datang umah ye . ngee :P then , maen futsal dgn adin , jiman . talking about camera n other nonsense dgn wowo . layan si haikal ngan adek wan maen tu maen ni . pegi sane pegi sini . HELLO ANIM ! tadi anim ckp taknak puji dia lebih-lebih kan ? OPSSSSSS !

too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are . urghh . mmg aku buat blog ni sbb sume entry nk cite pasal mu je ork . OK BYE . 

P/S : cepat-cepatla aku lupekan kau . im moving on slowly but surely .

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Kim Dong Wook - My Heart is Cursing

Smile a little more
with a happy smile

so that you can comfort my heart
that keeps looking for you

smile a little more
so that the world would be jealous

so that my heart that keeps calling for you
would not be able to become greedy

My heart curses at me, because I can’t even say I love you
My tears burst, because my longing for you flows and flows

Only that sad phrase has been struck to my throat like a thorn
And remain in my ears the whole day..

why does it have to be you
why did I have to love you

even if I shake my head
deny it
I can’t let you go

My heart curses at me, because I can’t even say I love you
My tears burst, because my longing for you flows and flows

Only that sad phrase has been struck to my throat like a thorn
And remain in my ears the whole day..

I love you, I love you forever
Even if you don’t look at me

Even if I say it a thousand times, you don’t know
Even if I wait at the same spot, you don’t know

My foolish love that simply looks at you like an idiot
You don’t know
No matter what..

Monday 12 September 2011

12 September 2011

alarh bongoknye la wifi uitm smalam . tetibe putus . baru nk post entry ni . saye nak post on 12 September laaaaaaaaa . huhhhhhhhhhh ! bace je la :

saye kembali berkarya setelah beberape bulan rehat . kenape arini baru start balik ? kenape 12 September 2011 ? saje . arini baru ade mood . HAHAHA .

dalam mase satu tahun . sume bende boleh jadi kan . sape pom x tau what the future brings to us . Ape pom yang blaku , kite mesti kuat ! kuat ! kuat , tau ? :')

dan sebenarnye 12 September  tahun lalu saye sgt bahagia . skrg pom bahagia jugak cume sorang la tersingkir . erkkk . kami tetap berkawan , x bergaduh pom tapi rase macam nak remove je terus dari facebook fren list tuhhh . HAHAHA . x nak tau ape dia buat . kalu x , gatal je nak jadi stalker berjaye di abad ini . ngeeeeee . im moving on slowly but surely J

kitorang ? sangat complicated . parents masing masing dah jumpe . berjanji setia . sayang giler . tapi tetap ke laut . HAHA . yg berlalu biarkan berlalu , okay . saye skrg sgt bahagia dgn family dan girlfriends tercinta . ohh  sayunye saye di kala ini . 

Gambar di ambil dari recycle bin ==’
P/S :
mungkin Tuhan menginginkan kita bertemu dan bercinta dengan orang yang salah sebelum bertemu dengan orang yang tepat, kita harus mengerti bagaimana berterima kasih atas kurniaan itu.